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AuthorsLevon Amatuni et al.
PANORAMA consortium
  • Deliverable

Most of the data sources used within the PANORAMA project use very different classification systems to describe the entities they report on. Such sources include (but are not limited to) the production and trade volumes for different regions, products and industries, final demand statistics, material extraction accounts, product material composition data, etc. Various classifications used in such data sources have several major characteristics that allow distinguishing one from another (the level of detail, the units used, either monetary or physical, the name, the descriptions, etc.). To be able to combine such diverse data sources within the supply and use tables (SUTs) of the PANORAMA project, concordances between underlying classifications have to be obtained first. In this report, we described which classifications have been used within the project until now and how they have linked to each other.

AuthorsHabib et al.
PANORAMA consortium
  • Deliverable

The work described in this deliverable relates to the collection and processing of composition and lifetime data, as well as information on end-of-life (EoL) characteristics of the products in the anthropogenic material cycle. A total of 16 elements/substances were selected based on criteria relating to proliferation and criticality. 

AuthorsYamamoto et al.
  • Deliverable

This document describes the initial physical dataset was generated for the EU-28 countries plus the Rest of the World region for the year 2011. It contains highly detailed data on products that were produced in these countries, the international trade, and the households expenditures (all in tonnes), and the composition (in weight fraction) of two elements (tantalum and copper) of said products. Additionally, for each of these data points, a flag was appointed to indicate the quality and the level of transformation applied to the original dataset to be converted into tonnes and/or to the PANORAMA classification system.

AuthorsClain et al.
PANORAMA consortium
  • Deliverable

WP6 is in charge of managing the datasets which after the application of improved reconciliation procedures, lead to develop a solidly-built professional web application serving balanced stock-flow diagrams for the PANORAMA project. These information services are made available to the panel of end users through a graphic interface with data download functionalities.

The underlying database has first been modelled as part of Task 6.1. As presented in D6.1 “Data Model Evolution and Code Lists”, it builds on the results of two previous projects, namely ProSUM and EXIOBASE which produced European and global databases dedicated to the Urban Mine/Urban Waste and Multi-Regional Environmentally Extended Supply and Use / Input-Output, respectively. Considering the PANORAMA thematic objectives, the database structure has been refined as a consequence of the advanced works in WP 3, 4 and 5.

As a result of this work in Task 6.2, the present document describes the detailed functional and technical specifications as well as all other aspects useful to the PANORAMA database and data dissemination application, such as hardware, software and human constraints and the corresponding IT infrastructure.